søndag den 7. november 2010
School Shooting ~
Didn't get it what we should do - so I just talk about the things I know about it. HAHAHAHA.~
Ehm... In American, there is school shooting, there is school shooting other places, I know, but it's most in American.~
I think its an other kind of surecide - because most of the shooting kids(if we can call them kids)/teens kill themself afterwoods. Mabye they just feel bad after what they have done, or just a sureside they have planed.
Mabye isn't they 'normal' in the head - or mabye they just want to have other to look at them, make other scared of them, like they can control everyone.
Mmmmh... It's hard to tell why they do it. There is alot of resions..~
EHm.... What else... )))):
DUNNO! It's hard to talk about this topic ))):
søndag den 19. september 2010
Write down what Andrea, Maxwell, and Jessica believe is the reason for this.
Andrea; Andrea said first people use guns for sport, hunting and protection them self and there familiy, but some people use them also for killing.
Maxwell; thinks men who own guns have small penis's, and if they have a gun, they feel nothing can hurt them, like the ggun can/will protect them against everything.
They feel they are more powerful with guns, more macho.
Jessica; Tell about wemon who have guns, they have only guns to protect them self late in the night. Because if they walked down at the street late, and there jump a man in front of them, and want to rape them, what shall they do?
2. Jessica says that many Americans waant to have a gun because of the media and films. Do you agree with Jessica? Why? Why not?
- Ya, I'm agree, because in the films you see a gun can save them from bad people who want to kill them or mabye rape them if they are girls.
But movies and the real life.
I think people who wear guns not can forgive them self if they kill another person in protection, i don't think they can forgive them self, because the persons in the movies dosen't kill the people real.
3. Rhajik talks a lot about the military when he is talking about guns. What does he say about the military and their need and use of guns?
And he want have the military to have guns.
4. Maxwell names some facts about guns. Name at least one of them. Comment on the fact.
5. Maxwell says that the reason why criminals have guns is because the citizens are armed. Do you think that is right? How do you think it is in Denmark?
6. What does Andrea think should be changed in America's gun law?
- I THINK, she want have changed it like you can't just go to a gunshop and buy a gun, so you can go outside 2 min after and shoot a person.
7. Rhajik says that power should be returned to the people, the individual. It should be totally legal to own guns. No one should rule. We should be responsible for our own lives. What do you think about this?
- I think it's bad, if there not are rules for guns. It would be totally out of control! Because if ther not was rules, then a little kid could buy a gun and shoot his/her friends, just for fun?
It's totally sick!
No rules for guns it's a bad idea.
8. In the end of the dabte, all the debate members are asked to say in short what they think about guns. Choose at least two of the members and write down their opinion.
9. Lisa ends the debate by giving the Americans an advice about guns. What does she say?
10. Who do you agree with the most of the five members of the debate and why?
- I'll agree with Maxwell, American don't need guns!
No country need guns, we only neeed guns because we fight other countrys wars! It's sick!
If we dont have guns, I think there want be wars~
Why shall we have guns? Why?
the only things guns can is killing people, and it's make me sick!
But if some people should be allow to use guns, it should be the military and the police, because they risk there life for us, so they have to protect there own life to save our lifes.
søndag den 29. august 2010
Antiv Cafe - NYAPPY!~~

An Cafe (or Antic Cafe) (アンティック-珈琲店-, Antikku kafe), was a Visual kei band, but after BOU left they start to be more Oshare kei band (if you wanna see the diffrent, google it, but i'll put som pictures in), but, the onlt member who still had the Visual kei style was/is KANON.
AN CAFE have been models for SEXPOT REVENGE - the picture is SEXPOT REVENGE clothes.
The band started with 3 members; MIKE as Vocal, BOU on guitar and KANON on bass.
Later came TERUKI, because he lefted his old band, and then he started to play drums in AN CAFE.
March, 24, 2004 they released ther first single; CANDYHOLIC.
KANON wrote the text to it.
"√69" (June 6, 2004)
"Komou Cosmos" (孤妄, November 24, 2004)
"Karakuri Hitei" (カラクリ否定, March 30, 2005)
"Tekesuta Kousen" (テケスタ光線, July 20, 2005)
"Escapism" (エスカピズム, August 24, 2005) BOU wrote that song.
"Merrymaking" (メリメイキング, September 21, 2005)
"10’s Collection March" (10's コレクション マァチ, March 1, 2006)
"Bonds ~Kizuna~" (BondS ~絆~, May 17, 2006)
"Smile Ichiban Ii Onna" (スマイル一番 イイ♀, September 20, 2006)
"Snow Scene" (スノーシ一ン, October 18, 2006)
AN CAFE had a very special frindship, like they had knowed eachother for a very long time, but, before they started the band, they didn't know eachother.
Like you see they had hit after hit. But the ending was near.
April 30, 2007:
Bou want to quit the band. Not because he hate them, no.
He just want a education. It was very hard for him to tell.
He told it live, he told it to over thousand fans, and they cried, Bou cried. All members in AN CAFE cried.
All told about ther happy memorise with him. You can see the hole show in the DVD titel; Hibiya On ☆The☆ 0 New Sekai.
After BOU had left the band, Miku wrote a song to BOU, the song is; ORANGE DREAM.
When MIKU sing it, he cant stop crying, Bou had allways a very very special place in his heart.
The band needed one on guitar, and the fund one, TAKUYA, but they got one on keybord to, YU-KI.
So they started to comee up with more singles!
"Kakusei Heroism ~The Hero Without a "Name"~" (覚醒ヒロイズム~THE HERO WITHOUT A "NAME"~, August 22, 2007)
"Ryūsei Rocket" (流星ロケット, November 7, 2007)
"Cherry Saku Yuki!!" (Cherry咲く勇気!!, February 27, 2008)
"Summer Dive" (August 30, 2008, live distribution only)
"Aroma" (March 11, 2009)
"Natsu Koi ★ Natsu GAME" (夏恋★夏GAME, August 12, 2009) MIKU wrote that song - a really pervert song. (>w<')
Natsu Koi - Natsu game (summer love - summer game) was the last song for AN CAFE before they toke a break.
Miku leftede the band, for another LC5.
But, noone knows about AN CAFE'S future - I hop MIKU will come back to the band.
Shikisai Moment (色彩モーメント, November 9, 2005)
Magnya Carta (マグニャカルタ, November 29, 2006)
Gokutama Rock Cafe (極魂ROCK CAFE, April 9, 2008)
BB Parallel World (September 9, 2009)
AN CAFE BEST ALBUM (December 9, 2009)
Amedama Rock (飴玉ロック, February 23, 2005)
Ko Akuma Usagi no Koibumi to Machine Gun EP (小悪魔USAGIの恋文とマシンガンe.p., October 29, 2008)
Harajuku Dance Rock (March 13, 2009)
"Like an cafe" (ライカ・カフェ, October 10, 2004)
"20051203 Shikisai A On" (20051203色彩亜音, December 3, 2005)
"Yagai de nyappy" (野外でニャッピー, December 17, 2006)
"Hibiya on ★the★ o New World" (HIBIYA ON★ザ★御NEW世界, July 2, 2007)
"Nyappy Go Around Fever" (April 25, 2008)
"AnCafesta '08 Summer Dive" (December 24, 2008)
"Live Cafe - Tour '08 Nyappy Go Around the World" (March 11, 2009)
"Finale of Nyappy - Kawayusu Rock de Go Gogo!!" (November 4, 2009)
[ AN CAFE had makede over 100 songs when they was active from 2003-2010]
Antic Cafe! o(≧ω≦)o
The band started with 3 members; MIKE as Vocal, BOU on guitar and KANON on bass.
Later came TERUKI, because he lefted his old band, and then he started to play drums in AN CAFE.
March, 24, 2004 they released ther first single; CANDYHOLIC.
KANON wrote the text to it.
"√69" (June 6, 2004)
"Komou Cosmos" (孤妄, November 24, 2004)
"Karakuri Hitei" (カラクリ否定, March 30, 2005)
"Tekesuta Kousen" (テケスタ光線, July 20, 2005)
"Escapism" (エスカピズム, August 24, 2005)
"Merrymaking" (メリメイキング, September 21, 2005)
"10’s Collection March" (10's コレクション マァチ, March 1, 2006)
"Bonds ~Kizuna~" (BondS ~絆~, May 17, 2006)
"Smile Ichiban Ii Onna" (スマイル一番 イイ♀, September 20, 2006)
"Snow Scene" (スノーシ一ン, October 18, 2006)
AN CAFE had a very special frindship, like they had knowed eachother for a very long time, but, before they started the band, they didn't know eachother.
Like you see they had hit after hit. But the ending was near.
April 30, 2007:
Bou want to quit the band. Not because he hate them, no.
He just want a education. It was very hard for him to tell.
He told it live, he told it to over thousand fans, and they cried, Bou cried. All members in AN CAFE cried.
All told about ther happy memorise with him. You can see the hole show in the DVD titel; Hibiya On ☆The☆ 0 New Sekai.
After BOU had left the band, Miku wrote a song to BOU, the song is; ORANGE DREAM.
When MIKU sing it, he cant stop crying, Bou had allways a very very special place in his heart.
The band needed one on guitar, and the fund one, TAKUYA, but they got one on keybord to, YU-KI.
So they started to comee up with more singles!
"Kakusei Heroism ~The Hero Without a "Name"~" (覚醒ヒロイズム~THE HERO WITHOUT A "NAME"~, August 22, 2007)
"Ryūsei Rocket" (流星ロケット, November 7, 2007)
"Cherry Saku Yuki!!" (Cherry咲く勇気!!, February 27, 2008)
"Summer Dive" (August 30, 2008, live distribution only)
"Aroma" (March 11, 2009)
"Natsu Koi ★ Natsu GAME" (夏恋★夏GAME, August 12, 2009)
Natsu Koi - Natsu game (summer love - summer game) was the last song for AN CAFE before they toke a break.
Miku leftede the band, for another LC5.
But, noone knows about AN CAFE'S future - I hop MIKU will come back to the band.
Shikisai Moment (色彩モーメント, November 9, 2005)
Magnya Carta (マグニャカルタ, November 29, 2006)
Gokutama Rock Cafe (極魂ROCK CAFE, April 9, 2008)
BB Parallel World (September 9, 2009)
AN CAFE BEST ALBUM (December 9, 2009)
Amedama Rock (飴玉ロック, February 23, 2005)
Ko Akuma Usagi no Koibumi to Machine Gun EP (小悪魔USAGIの恋文とマシンガンe.p., October 29, 2008)
Harajuku Dance Rock (March 13, 2009)
"Like an cafe" (ライカ・カフェ, October 10, 2004)
"20051203 Shikisai A On" (20051203色彩亜音, December 3, 2005)
"Yagai de nyappy" (野外でニャッピー, December 17, 2006)
"Hibiya on ★the★ o New World" (HIBIYA ON★ザ★御NEW世界, July 2, 2007)
"Nyappy Go Around Fever" (April 25, 2008)
"AnCafesta '08 Summer Dive" (December 24, 2008)
"Live Cafe - Tour '08 Nyappy Go Around the World" (March 11, 2009)
"Finale of Nyappy - Kawayusu Rock de Go Gogo!!" (November 4, 2009)
[ AN CAFE had makede over 100 songs when they was active from 2003-2010]
torsdag den 12. august 2010
Back! ~~
fredag den 9. juli 2010
mandag den 5. juli 2010
New haircut ☆~~

It's the perfcet hair for me, because it's not like my hair before, I do not feels so big like before, I can much more with my new hair ~~
And my mom have promised me I can get black stribs in my hair, so happy! ^^
Nyappy to all of you!
Take care, and remeber, follow me ^^
リンゴ坊° 斎藤 ☆
Shrek 4 - the last Capital~~

Enjoy Shrek,Fiona,Donky and Cat in the new movie; Shrek last Capital!
Shrek have a family now, but he miss his life before he saved Fiona, so under the kids party, Shrek saying alot of things to Fiona he not mean.
He only wish he had the same life like before.
Then he meet Rumleskaft, he say to Shrek he'll give him one day of his old life, but Shrek have to give Rumleskaft one day back, so Shrek do it.
But it was not so smart, he have his old life back (for one day) but nothing it's like before, and Shrek have only one day to fix it up.
I though first; orrhw god! A ffucking silly movie!'
But I have to say sorry, because this movie it's so awsome, not like others, here are we NOT talking about a silly history, but a very great history, like the first Shrek movie.
Dream Works, have to be proud of this movie, because everyone can seee it, young and old.
It's fun to see the Cat fat and Fiona a wild fighter with (mabye) no feelings back because Shrek not saved her in the paralelle world.
Great movie, you have to see it! ^^
mandag den 28. juni 2010
[ ☆ Bou ☆ ] ~

He left the band in june - 2007.
You can see him in the episode on youtube - write; Bou last live ~
For me, Had Bou means alot to me, I did't know him. - but it was more like his style, He was not afraid to show how he was.
Bou was my favorit member in An Cafe, and I could not see a reason to listen to An Cafe after Bou had left, because It would never be the same.
But I keeped listing to An cafe, even Bou not were in it ~
But, I'll allways be fan of them - Miku, Kanon, Teruki and Bou, the first members In ANTIC CAFE! ☆☆
[ Bou - allways in our hearts ☆ ~
søndag den 27. juni 2010

I'm 14 years old and I really like Japan *v*
I like j-music, j-fashion, j-culture - well I like alot of japanese things ~
I live in denmark, but my head are in Japan, typical me - lol ^__^
Ya' I'm Lol-holic =_=' - it's really really really bad D:
I'm a smiley-holic too - shit ):
It was some info about me - not much buuut.. C: