fredag den 9. juli 2010


I'm totally ready for my summerholiday in Spain with my family! (^_^)♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄

Well, my summerholiday started for 2 weeks ago, but first tomorrow i'm going to Spain in 2 weeks ♥♥♥

I want be here in 2 weeks, so plzz, not stop following me! ~~

Love ya' all \(^w^)/♥♥♥♥

mandag den 5. juli 2010

New haircut ☆~~

My mom cutted me like this, because I would try something new, and I love my hair now!

It's the perfcet hair for me, because it's not like my hair before, I do not feels so big like before, I can much more with my new hair ~~

And my mom have promised me I can get black stribs in my hair, so happy! ^^

Nyappy to all of you!
Take care, and remeber, follow me ^^

リンゴ坊° 斎藤 ☆

Shrek 4 - the last Capital~~

Enjoy Shrek,Fiona,Donky and Cat in the new movie; Shrek last Capital!

Shrek have a family now, but he miss his life before he saved Fiona, so under the kids party, Shrek saying alot of things to Fiona he not mean.
He only wish he had the same life like before.
Then he meet Rumleskaft, he say to Shrek he'll give him one day of his old life, but Shrek have to give Rumleskaft one day back, so Shrek do it.
But it was not so smart, he have his old life back (for one day) but nothing it's like before, and Shrek have only one day to fix it up.

I though first; orrhw god! A ffucking silly movie!'
But I have to say sorry, because this movie it's so awsome, not like others, here are we NOT talking about a silly history, but a very great history, like the first Shrek movie.
Dream Works, have to be proud of this movie, because everyone can seee it, young and old.
It's fun to see the Cat fat and Fiona a wild fighter with (mabye) no feelings back because Shrek not saved her in the paralelle world.
Great movie, you have to see it! ^^